Перевод sold на русский с произношением, вариантами слов и примерами предложений.


Транскрипция: [səʊld]
Перевод: распроданный.
Слушать произношение:

Варианты перевода

Sold (прилагательное):

Перевод: проданный, распроданный.


  • All the tickets are sold out for the concert (Все билеты на концерт распроданы).

Примеры предложений

The real estate agent successfully sold the charming cottage to a delighted couple.
The real estate agent successfully sold the charming cottage to a delighted couple.

The antique dealer sold a rare piece to a collector at an auction.
The antique dealer sold a rare piece to a collector at an auction.

The online store sold out of the popular item within hours of its release.
The online store sold out of the popular item within hours of its release.

The street vendor sold handmade crafts to tourists visiting the market.
The street vendor sold handmade crafts to tourists visiting the market.

The musician sold tickets for the upcoming concert, attracting a diverse audience.
The musician sold tickets for the upcoming concert, attracting a diverse audience.

The entrepreneur sold their startup to a larger company, achieving a profitable exit.
The entrepreneur sold their startup to a larger company, achieving a profitable exit.

The farmer proudly sold organic produce at the local farmers’ market.
The farmer proudly sold organic produce at the local farmers’ market.

The artist sold commissioned paintings to clients who admired their unique style.
The artist sold commissioned paintings to clients who admired their unique style.

The bookstore owner sold signed copies of the author’s latest novel.
The bookstore owner sold signed copies of the author’s latest novel.

The car dealership sold a record number of vehicles during the annual sale event.
The car dealership sold a record number of vehicles during the annual sale event.

Формы слова sold

Sold (существительное, единственное число, прошедшее время), sold (глагол, единственное число, прошедшее время), selling (глагол, единственное число, настоящее продолженное время).

Возможные синонимы

Варианты синонимов, которые можно использовать вместо слова sold: purchased, bought, vended, traded.

Синонимы слова sold могут зависеть от контекста и не всегда подходить для того или иного случая.