Перевод pick на русский с произношением, вариантами слов и примерами предложений.


Транскрипция: [pɪk]
Перевод: выбирать.
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Варианты перевода

Pick (глагол и существительное):

Перевод (глагол): выбирать, собирать.


  • Let’s pick some flowers for the bouquet (Давайте соберем несколько цветов для букета).

Перевод (существительное): выбор, отбор.


  • We have a wide pick of colors for the paint (У нас есть большой выбор цветов для краски).

Примеры предложений

The farmer carefully picked ripe apples from the orchard for market.
The farmer carefully picked ripe apples from the orchard for market.

The basketball captain was excited to pick teammates for the upcoming game.
The basketball captain was excited to pick teammates for the upcoming game.

The hiker used a walking stick to pick their way through the rocky terrain.
The hiker used a walking stick to pick their way through the rocky terrain.

The florist invited customers to pick their favorite blooms from the vibrant flower display.
The florist invited customers to pick their favorite blooms from the vibrant flower display.

The musician had to pick the right chords to create a harmonious melody.
The musician had to pick the right chords to create a harmonious melody.

The children took turns to pick a book for storytime at the library.
The children took turns to pick a book for storytime at the library.

The chef asked the sous chef to pick fresh herbs from the garden for the evening’s dishes.
The chef asked the sous chef to pick fresh herbs from the garden for the evening’s dishes.

The lottery winner was asked to pick numbers for the chance to win a grand prize.
The lottery winner was asked to pick numbers for the chance to win a grand prize.

The detective needed to pick up on subtle clues to solve the mystery.
The detective needed to pick up on subtle clues to solve the mystery.

The fashion designer urged the model to pick outfits that showcased the latest trends.
The fashion designer urged the model to pick outfits that showcased the latest trends.

Формы слова pick

Pick (существительное, единственное число, неопределенное время), picks (существительное, множественное число, неопределенное время), pick (глагол, единственное число, настоящее время), picks (глагол, множественное число, настоящее время), picked (глагол, единственное число, прошедшее время), picking (глагол, единственное число, настоящее продолженное время).

Возможные синонимы

Варианты синонимов, которые можно использовать вместо слова pick: choose, select, pick out, pluck.

Синонимы слова pick могут зависеть от контекста и не всегда подходить для того или иного случая.